North American Instructor Directory
Connecting instructors, students, and community members of the Presas Family martial arts systems in North America
Connecting Our Community
Modern Arnis, Kombatan, Presas Arnis, Arnis de Mano are commonly used names for Filipino Martial Arts styles taught by one of the legendary Presas Brothers - Remy A. Presas, Ernesto A. Presas, and Roberto Presas.
The trick is finding someone to train with if you're interested in these (or closely related) systems.
While Presas Legacy martial arts are certainly being taught worldwide, finding someone locally to train with can sometimes be very difficult. Or, perhaps you already train, and you'd like to visit and learn from folks in a town you're visiting for a short time (but you don't know anyone personally). Perhaps you want to refer someone to a Presas Legacy instructor in a town you're unfamiliar with.
That's why we built the Presas Legacy North American Instructor Directory.
We collect and disseminate contact information of instructors, schools, and training groups teaching any of the Presas Family martial arts systems, so that they can be found by anyone seeking out training.
Why "Presas Legacy"? We see this site as our contribution to keeping the Presas Family systems alive and well in North America. The directory is organization neutral. We will include every active instructor in North America, regardless of internal politics.
Listing in this directory does not mean that we endorse the quality of instruction, or is any indication of recommendation by the site administrators. We prefer to let the student decide which instructor and training environment suits them best.
Our directory is geographical in nature. You can search for an instructor based on geographical location, up to 300 miles radius from any given place (address, zip code, city, county, etc.).
If you are an instructor, school or training group, we invite you to get listed in the directory. We want you to be seen and help you grow. A rising tide lifts all boats!
Welcome to the Presas Legacy North American Instructor Directory!

Contact Us
Got a question about the Presas Legacy North American Instructor Directory? We'd love to hear from you!
Please direct submissions for the directory to our "Add an Instructor" page.